Disposable Clear Plastic Auto Seat & Steering Wheel Covers

Clear Plastic Auto Seat & Steering Wheel Covers

If your automotive service department is serious about customer satisfaction, you'll be sure to use disposable auto seat and steering wheel covers for each repair. Using disposable auto seat and steering wheel covers will protect your customer's vehicle auto seat covers and steering wheel from dirt and especially grease stains that may come from your repair shop while your mechanic works to repair your customer's car. Disposable auto seat and steering wheel covers are an affordable way to avoid very costly customer dissatisfaction when a vehicle is returned with stains on the seat or steering wheel after servicing. The use of disposable auto seat and steering wheel covers lets your customers know that you run a quality repair shop. Estampe Dealer Auto Supply offers genuine online saving for many dealer auto supplies.

If your automotive service department is serious about customer satisfaction, you'll be sure to...

Clear Plastic Auto Seat & Steering Wheel Covers

If your automotive service department is serious about customer satisfaction, you'll be sure to use disposable auto seat and steering wheel covers for each repair. Using disposable auto seat and steering wheel covers will protect your customer's vehicle auto seat covers and steering wheel from dirt and especially grease stains that may come from your repair shop while your mechanic works to repair your customer's car. Disposable auto seat and steering wheel covers are an affordable way to avoid very costly customer dissatisfaction when a vehicle is returned with stains on the seat or steering wheel after servicing. The use of disposable auto seat and steering wheel covers lets your customers know that you run a quality repair shop. Estampe Dealer Auto Supply offers genuine online saving for many dealer auto supplies.



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Steering Wheel Cover
Plastic Steering Wheel Covers - High Quality and Disposable
Full Coverage Front with Back Slit for Easy Installation
Our price: $84.53

Reusable Seat Cover - CAATS

This Reusable Seat Cover - CAATS is an environmentally friendly alternative to plastic seat covers. These covers are made from reusable, recyclable, non-woven polypropylene which reduces waste and landfill. They are non-porus, resist chemicals, are completely re-usable and can be cleaned after use. They are available in Blue only

Our price: $8.27

Steering Wheel Covers

STEERING WHEEL COVERS ARE IN HIGH DEMAND.  YOU WILL BE NOTIFIED IF THIS ITEM IS ON BACKORDER AND WON'T SHIP IN A TIMELY MANNER.  Plastic Steering Wheel Covers - High Quality and Disposable: We offer 3 different designs: 1) "Shower Cap" style stretches from 21" to 24”, 2) Double Elastic - stretches to 24” and 3) Extra Large - stretches to 28”.

Our price: $52.75

Plastic Seat Covers - Slip-N-Grip

Clear Plastic Seat Covers - Slip-N-Grip: Your customers deserve the best. Protect your customer's interior with genuine brand name Slip-N-Grip plastic seat covers.

Our price: $75.00